Samples of five different covers (printed in various colors, on several types of envelopes) issued in Great Brtiain to protest and lampoon the introduction of the second class postage in September 1968. New Letter Postal system ended the universal single class postage introduced by Rowland Hill in 1840 with Penny Post. More than 20,000 covers and 2,000 postacrds were printed and distributed around the world in this grass-root campaign. Among the designs used were some based on the Propaganda covers used by Elihu Burritt in his campaign for an Ocean Penny Post between 1849 and 1860. Included in the collection are two small fliers, 'Story of a protest' (2 p.), 'Protest covers - check list of various types and colour printings' (2 p.), and 'Caricature covers' (1 p.). Some envelopes are stamped and addressed to Robert Massman[n] and Elihu Burritt Library, Central Connecticut State College.